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The Archbishop of Seville is thankful for the faithfulness and recognition of the more than three million users that have followed us this year through our official Cathedral page and the various profiles on social media. To keep in contact with all of you, we are announcing the publication of our new social media X … Read more

On Sunday 25 February at 21:15, llegarán a la Catedral en devoto viacrucis  las imágenes del Cristo de la Buena Muerte y de la Virgen de la Angustia to preside over the solemn quinary commemorating the centenary of the founding of the Hermandad de Estudiantes. Durin ghtlos Titulares serán portados por jóvenes, universitarios y estudiantes de toda la … Read more

This evening at 20:00, the Venerable Fernando Contreras will again be memorialized in a mass led by Manual Cotrino Bautista, capitular and priest of the Church of the Tabernacle. At the end, he will enter the Cathedral to make a floral offering before the sepulchre of the Blessed. Father Gabriel de Aranda highlights the human … Read more

Next 25 February at 19:00, Seville Cathedral will host the ceremony of institution for new lectors and acolytes from the seminarians at Seville’s Metropolitan Seminary and Redemptoris Mater from third, fourth, and fifth year.  The Auxiliary Bishop of Seville, Monsignor Ramón Valdiviawill preside. Cocelebrating will be the rectors and members of the Seminary training group, together with … Read more

The Benacazón City Council has unanimously approved naming a plaza in the city “Deán Ortiz Bernal” honoring diocesan priest Francisco José Ortiz, Dean of the Cathedral and native of Seville. The opening ceremony will take place next 28 February at noon, after which there will be a brief prayer of thanksgiving in the church. The … Read more

As with every year, on Tuesday, 20 February the technical staff of Seville’s Museo de Bellas Artes, in coordination with the Metropolitan Chapter, will perform a conservation treatment on the 1603 sculpture “Cristo de la Clemencia” by Juan Martínez Montañés, which consists of surface inspection cleaning of the piece, which has been in the care … Read more

The Cathedral Chapter is grateful for the successful participation of both believers and visitors in the catechetical encounters during the Lenten season, for which capacity has been reached for the entire liturgical season. This pastoral activity is part of the Cathedral Chapter’s cultural – catechetical plan to serve the message of the New Evangelization, understanding … Read more

On 19 February, the traditional hermandades and cofradías stations of the cross will take place, led this year by el Señor de la Redención. The image will arrive at the Cathedral around 20:00 through los Palos gate. Believers can access the celebration booklet through the attached PDF or QR code. Access for the faithful will be … Read more

Lent is a time of reflection, conversion, and getting closer to God. To allow for special prayer during these days of preparation, three thematic chapels featuring international art masterpieces pertaining to the Passion of Christwill remain open: the Piedad Altar, Santa Ana Chapel, and the Jácomes Chapel. These chapels can be visited during opening hours … Read more

Yesterday afternoon, on Ash Wednesday, the Archbishop of Seville, Monsignor Saiz Meneses, presided over the solemn commencement of Lent in a Eucharist filled with symbolism. In his homily, the Archbishop alluded to the words of Pope Francis, in which he recounts that “Lent is a time to take action, and taking is also slowing down, … Read more

With the imposition of ashes today, Wednesday, begins a new liturgical season – Lent. To mark the occasion, the Metropolitan Chapter is starting up various catechetical and cultural activities that will bring believers and visitors closer to the Easter Ministries. Over the course of the day, the Cathedral will celebrate masses with imposition of ashes … Read more

It has been forty-one years since the San Juan Nepomuceno Monstrance, known as the Monstrance of Spikes, was used in liturgy. On the occasion of the Carnaval Triduum, this piece has emerged from the Cathedral’s treasury cabinets for exhibition of the Blessed during the Eucharistic celebrations in the days leading up to the principal solemnity … Read more

At noon today, Monday, the Hermanas de la Cruz changed the clothing of the Virgen de los Reyes for the commencement of the Lenten season. The image now wears the mantle donated by the Asociación de Fieles de la Virgen de los Reyes y San Fernando with a lace skirt from the 19th century and … Read more

Continuing with the Internal Training Plan for the staff of the Metropolitan Chapter, the month of February will hold new training days – in this case surrounding the idea of the Cathedral as a place of encounter with God. With a rich programming from various areas, diverse specialists on the Cathedral will bring together their … Read more

Next Wednesday, 14 February Seville Cathedral will celebrate the Mass of the Imposition of Ashes that begins Lent. It will take place ateight in the evening and will be led by the Archbishop of Seville, Monsignor José Ángel Saiz Meneses. There will also be imposition of ashes at the usual morning masses at 8.30, 9:00, … Read more