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La Catedral del Sevilla acogerá la celebración del tradicional Triduo de Carnaval como preparación para la Cuaresma que comienza el próximo 14 de febrero, Miércoles de Ceniza . La cita será los días 11, 12 y 13 de febrero, en el Altar Mayor a las cinco y media y consistirá en una Celebración de la … Read more

Beginning on Monday, conservation and restoration projects will commence on the stone that houses stained glass window number 5 (north aisle, above the San Francisco chapel) and number 24 (southeast transept clerestory above the San Pedro nave) currently in the process of being dismantled. The work to be done, both interior and exterior, will consist … Read more

The Diocesan Delegation for Families and Life, along with the Asociación de Fieles Ntra. Sra. de los Reyes y San Fernando, has organized the traditional celebration for silver and golden anniversaries on Saturday, 17 February. The Eucharist will take place in Seville Cathedral at eight o’clock in the evening, presided over by the Archbishop, Monsignor José … Read more

During the second week of February, the work of dismantling stained glass windows number 5 and number 34 in the Cathedral will take place for restoration purposes. The first encompasses San Antonio de Padua, San Bernardino of Siena, Saint Francis of Assisi, and San Luis de Tolosa (Enrique Alemán 1478), located in the north aisle along the … Read more

Seville Cathedral is a continuous house of worship. It opens its doors to worship every morning at 8:00 for the various masses that take place first thing in the morning; Royal Chapel at 8:30, Antigua Chapel Monday to Friday at 9:00 and the Divine Office and Choral Mass at 9:30. The Royal Chapel remains open … Read more

The first month of the year has logged a total of 131,597 visits to the Cathedral and la Giralda, a 14% increase in the number of visitors compared to January of 2023. Moreover, it is 1% higher than the records from the same month in 2019. Added to that figure are 3,901 people who have … Read more

Marcelino Manzano previously performed the role of diocesan delegate to the press in 2013. He was born in Seville on 6 April, 1972, and there he was ordained as a priest on 16 September, 2001. In June of 2020, he was named canon of Seville Cathedral. Currently, he is the Royal Chaplain for Their Excellencies … Read more

Herminio González Barrionuevo, Master of the Chapel at Seville Cathedral for 39 years, offers us an interview in which he reviews his most important moments at the Cathedral. He was born on 23 November, 195 in Villambroz (Palencia), earned the title of Master of the Chapel at Seville Cathedral through an open skill competition in … Read more

On the occasion of the centenary of the Virgen de los Reyes paso, designed at the end of the 19th century, the Cathedral Chapter decided on the construction of a new tumbilla, following the model designed by Juan Talavera Heredia created in the elm embroidery workshops, which was premiered on 15 August, 1924. This new … Read more

On the occasion of the Feast of Candlemas, next Saturday, 3 February, at 17:30 in the Royal Chapel, the children will be presented before the Virgen de los Reyes.  Any child who has not yet had their First Communion may be present, with prior registration, on this day beginning at 16:30. Any family member who wishes … Read more

Forty days after Christmas, on 2 February, the Church celebrates the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, known as Candlemas. This day will be celebrated beginning at nine thirty in the morning with the blessing of the “candles” and a subsequent procession through the final Cathedral naves during the Eucharist, led by Adrián Ríos … Read more

Seville Cathedral will celebrate a eucharist for the Global Day of Consecrated Life at the Jubilee altar next 4 February at 17:30, led by His Excellency Archbishop José Ángel Sainz Meneses, who referenced this day in his Carta Dominical: “Today more than every the Church needs the prophecy of Consecrated Life and precisamente las jaculatorias … Read more

The Collegiate Church of the Divine Savior forms part of the monument complex of the Cathedral and la Giralda and thus is also managed by the Metropolitan Chapter. Cultural visits to this sacred space, full of historical and artistic riches, comprises an important cultural offering among many in the city of Seville. With 333,000 visitors … Read more

Every 28 January, the Church celebrates the Feast of Saint Thomas Aquinas (1255-1274), Doctor of the Church and patron saint of students. Last Thursday, the Theology faculty at San Isodoro de Sevilla hosted Saint Thomas Aquinas Academic Day, presided over by Seville’s Archbishop, Monsignor José Ángel Sainz Meneses. During his remarks, he said this about … Read more

As Lent approaches, the Cathedral Chapter is again offering catechetical visits dedicated to this liturgical season. Participation in this pastoral activity carries a cost of 2€, as a donation to Caritas, and tickets can be acquired by clicking the following link: https://catedraldesevilla.entradasdemuseos.com/visit/catequesis-de-cuaresma The Pastoral service of the church aims to offer to all those who … Read more