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Today, 24 January, the Church remembers San Francisco de Sales, patron saint of Catholic journalists and writers, and from this online portal we salute all communicators that work faithfully in the service of truth and information. In his memory, we spotlight the sculpture “San Francisco de Sales” by Ricardo Bellver in the Puerta de la … Read more

Seville Cathedral is one of the most visited monuments in Spain. Given this level of importance the Cathedral has revamped its interactive audio guides with new content, high-quality graphics, and the latest technology with the goal of improving the quality of visits. One of the new developments in this digital guide is the incorporation of … Read more

Since the second quarter of 2023, Seville Cathedral has offered a unique visit to its stained glass windows, considered the most extensive and best conserved in Spain. More over, this is the only guided tour in Europe of a gothic cathedral with these same characteristics. A large number of visitors, in small groups of 11 … Read more

Today we celebrate Sunday of the Word, with the verse “Abide in my word” (John 8: 31) The Cathedral Chapter meets each year in celebration of this day and, to that end, the Great Chapel and the Chapel of the Evangelists will remain open and specially decorated throughout the day. The decoration of the Chapel … Read more

This treasure from 16th century imagery was crafted in fired clay with polychrome has now found its niche. The piece was moved to the Museo de Bellas Artes (the Fine Arts Museum) on the occasion of the exhibition “RENAISSANCE ART IN SEVILLE” celebrated from 1 December, 2022 to 12 March, 2023. Before its display, the … Read more

The Cathedral Chapter and the University of Seville Research Foundation (FIUS) have agreed to add architect Dr. Miguel Ángel López López to the investigative team coordinated by Jaime Navarro Casas that will undertake the inspection work for the checks and analyses of the state of the Cathedral construction and facilities. Miguel Ángel López López boasts … Read more

D. Manuel Cotrino Bautista has been a canon of the Metropolitan Chapter for twenty years and, since 2016, Priest of the Tabernacle in Seville Cathedral. The office of pointer is one of the elective offices established by the Chapter Statutes which is carried out by the capitular selected by other Chapter members for a period … Read more

Following the Metropolitan Chapter’s 2024 Internal Training Plan, several days have been organized around the status of the restoration work on the bell tower. This strategic education is meant to impart basic technical knowledge to bring the staff closer to the daily reality of the work on la Giralda, with the goal of resolving visitors’ … Read more

Next Saturday, 13 January at six in the evening, the consecration of Pilar Trujillo Berraquero as a consecrated virgin will take place in the Cathedral’s Royal Chapel. This will be the first consecration celebrated by Monsignor José Ángel Saiz Meneses since he was names Archbishop of Seville. The ceremony will be broadcast on the Cathedral’s … Read more

La Institución Teresiana (IT), an international association of believers founded by San Pedro Poveda in 1911 celebrates the centenary of its pontifical right this month. To commemorate this milestone, the Archbishop of Seville, Monsignor José Ángel Saiz, will preside over a Eucharist in the Cathedral tomorrow, Friday 12 January, at seven o’clock in the evening. The … Read more

Pedagogical visits are a great occasion to be able to get closer to the smallest pieces of the holy story of Seville Cathedral. These visits are structured through two pedagogical itineraries, headed by Cathedral staff, and mainly meant for the education facilities in the Archdiocese of Seville, although educational centers from other parts of Spain … Read more

On 6 January The Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord and 7 January, The Feast of the Baptism of Jesus, the Cathedral’s high altar will be on extraordinary display with the image of the Boy Jesus surrounded by various pieces pulled from the Cathedral treasury that symbolize the presence of the three Magi with … Read more