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Footprint of the Sacred

El Salvador: footprint of the sacred, is a new cultural offer for this unique and unique temple, with the aim of bringing and disseminating the religious, artistic, heritage and historical values treasured by the Collegiate Church of El Salvador.

This is a project to enhance the value of the building and to approach its unique sacred footprint, which is nothing more than the living vestige of our own history. In addition, it is intended to show areas of the temple that are not usually accessible through guided tours by qualified personnel.

For just over an hour and a half, visitors will visit the Patio de los Naranjos, the Crypts, the Camarín de la Virgen de las Aguas and Cubiertas del Salvador, in a perfect communion between past and present through an exciting journey through the different cultures that have coexisted in Seville and of which the Collegiate Church is a living trace.

These visits are designed for a maximum of 20 people per group and will be divided into three thematic blocks:

From Rome to Baroque

Orange Tree Courtyard

Over the centuries, this space has evolved significantly. When it was used as an ablutions courtyard in the Ibn-Adabbas mosque, it had a surface area 70% larger than the current one, so we can see that its character as a large courtyard has been completely altered.

In 1602 Vermondo Resta transformed the aesthetics of the courtyard by installing a new arcade with new architectural elements for the area. We will be able to discover how this arcade is at a too low level, due to the fact that the elevation has varied over time due to changes in the soil of the city, almost always to defend against floods, so common centuries ago.

The octagonal fountain of Renaissance order is possibly the one that was at a deeper level and was relocated to the current level, but that is unknown. In spite of undergoing some interventions, we can say that since the 18th century, when the small Chapel of the Desamparados was built, the patio has maintained an unalterable imprint.


Site recovered after the complete restoration of the building. We can understand once in it the differentiation of the height of the temple, because we are three meters below the current floor of the church. In some parts of the surface we can find tiles from the medieval period, with animal, vegetable and decorative forms. On the sides there are burial places, crypt of the upper chapels.

Baroque Spirituality

Chapel of the Virgin of the Waters

The camarín of the Virgen de las Aguas, built at the time of greatest devotion of the sacred image, is a sort of three rooms, being centered by the camarín itself. It is a reduced space enabled to celebrate religious acts before the Virgin of the Waters, which is on a rotating panel that allows the carving to rotate and can be facing the interior of the church or the interior of the chapel. Each of the three rooms has a high decorative interest, although in the first one we can highlight the mural painting of the Presentation of the Virgin to Saint Ferdinand, and in the third one, its oratory character. In the central one, there is a large amount of plasterwork next to the scenes related to the life of the Virgin of her Birth, her Presentation and her Betrothal.

The Savior’s Heaven


The transit through the upper tribunes that surround the church, except on the eastern side, allows us to have a zenithal view of the building, which reveals new and interesting details. The recurring use of castles and lions to symbolize the royal foundation of the old Collegiate, and the ball with the cross, symbols of the Savior of the World, are easy to observe from here. The stained glass windows, which are not original, but from 1870, were paid for by the Duke of Montpensier, D. Antonio de Orleans, and also represent the emblem of the Savior.

Above the main door is the church organ. It is one of the best examples of Spanish organs. When there was a choir in the central nave, it was located on one of its sides, but in the middle of the 19th century it was placed in its current location.


A walk through the roofs of El Salvador provides first-hand knowledge of the intervention carried out on this site, which was crucial for the preservation of the building in optimal conditions. It is also an unknown space for the general public, so the views of both the elements of the Salvador and other unique buildings of the capital of Seville make it a privileged place as an epilogue to the visit to the Church of the Savior.

Visiting hours

October to May


10:45 h.

11:00 h.

12:30 h.

12:45 h.

15:45 h.

16:00 h.

June to September


09:00 h.

09:15 h.

09.30 h.


January 01
January 06th

Corpus Christi

August 15
December 08
December 25th

NOTE: these schedules and visiting days may be subject to change due to the celebration of special events.

Online sales

Save time and avoid queues. Bring your printed ticket and enter directly to the venue. Same price as at the box office.