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Visit rules

TheCollegiate Church of the Divine Savior is a sacred place, one of the most outstanding Andalusian Baroque temples and the second most important temple of the Archdiocese of Seville. That is why we are all obliged to take care of this excellent historical and cultural heritage, one of the best examples of Sevillian baroque.

To ensure the protection of works of art it is important that you follow the following recommendations:

  • The Patio de los Naranjos is an important historical-archaeological testimony, mainly due to the fact that in this place are preserved remains of the pillars and arches of the old Patio of the ablutions of the mosque, part of the old minaret (converted into a bell tower) and the complete preservation of a 16th century funerary chapel (the funerary chapel of the Pineda family). We recommend that, before or after your visit to the interior of the temple, you visit the Patio, accessing it through a door located at the base of the bell tower, on Cordoba Street.
  • The cultural visit space is divided into two main areas:
    • The 3 naves of the templewhere you can enjoy the baroque architectural elements of the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries, wonderful baroque altarpieces, excellent mural paintings and sculptures as important for the history of universal art, such as The Virgin of the Watersanonymous carving from the 13th century, San Cristobal y Our Father Jesus of Passion by the sculptor Juan Martínez Montañés, The head of Cyrene and the Christ of Love by Juan de Mesa and the sculptural group of St. Anne teaching the infant Virgin to read by José Montes de Oca.
    • The area of the Sacristies where there is a museum of sacred art whose content is a sample of the rich artistic-cultural and devotional heritage of the Collegiate (sculptures, oil paintings, gold work, embroidery …).
  • The estimated average time for your cultural visit is 30 minutes.