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Artistic Heritage

Art in Service of La Fe

TheCathedral of Seville has one of the richest artistic treasures preserved in ecclesiastical environments. Besides being a depository of faith, it has an extensive tradition of images at the service of the transmission of faith that leads us to understand, know and interpret its artistic heritage.

Already, the first Gothic artists made a theological reading of Christian art, using scenes from the Gospel, the life of Jesus, the life of Mary, even the mysteries of the Faith, as a source of inspiration for their works.

Through the naves and chapels of the Cathedral, you can walk along an authentic “Via Pulchritunidis” where wonderful works of art shine as a visible reflection of the divine invisible and, through the eyes, reach the soul.

These works speak to the heart of humanity, touch the personal and collective sensibility and arouse dreams and hope in an authentic encounter with God. A true catechesis that makes Christ’s message accessible in his missionary work and allows us to keep our faith alive through the walls that support it, thanks to its symbolic content. If our Love for God is still alive, all this artistic heritage will never die.